Edamame beans

Edamame beans also know as green soya beans are whole, immature soybeans, sometimes referred to as vegetable-type soybeans. They are green and differ in color from regular soybeans, which are typically light brown, tan, or beige.

  • Protein-rich rare variety
  • High-yields
  • Naturally adds nitrogen to the soil

Edamame beans (soya beans) have been praised by the experts in the growing trials and are now available to you!

An excellent source of protein you can eat these beans boiled, steamed or stir fried. In all these forms they are delicious and nutritious. They give you a long crop from late summer to autumn when you grow them in a sunny site.

These large creamy beans are nutritious and filling- a great addition to vegetarian dishes and bean casseroles. The latest way to eat them, popular in top restaurants, is steamed in their whole pods and dipped in rock salt to taste.

Edamame / Green Soya Beans recommendation

We recommend you sow three seeds in a small pot in late spring. Simply fill a pot with compost specially formulated for young plants, to the top and make a deep depression in the center of the pot with your finger. Pop the large seeds in the dent and cover. Water the surface of the pot.

Once the seeds germinate keep watering daily. When the seedlings have about two leaves, remove all seedlings except the strongest one to grow on into plants you can transplant outside from late June for handsome harvests from August.

Space plants 15cm (6in) apart when you transplant them outside.

Please note: –  These seeds should ideally be sown this season. All our packets have ‘Sow by Date’ guidance on them, this is the date the seeds should be sown in order to achieve the highest rate of germination. You will still see the same high-quality plants if sowing in seasons after the ‘Sow by Date’ but may see a reduction in germination rate


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